“I was born in Salto, Uruguay, on March 27th, 1993. I started going to church when I was little with my mom. When I was 4 years old, we moved to Colonia del Sacramento. At the age of 11, a friend invited me to join her for a children's event at church. After that activity, they invited me to go to a youth camp where I heard the gospel from the preacher. When we were in the room with our leader, I asked her for more information about salvation and then she guided me with my prayer, and on Wednesday night in July 2004, I received the Lord as my Savior. After that decision, I started to grow in my faith and my relationship with God.

From a very young age I was involved in church, teaching children, going out to give the gospel, cleaning at church, and helping with everything I could. Four years later at another youth camp, God touched my heart through a group of ladies who were practicing for a special. I remember I thought "I want to be there serving my Lord". I took my Bible and went to the beach to pray and spend time with God. I was there for some time praying to the Lord telling Him that I wanted to be used by Him. "I'm here, I don't have a lot to give but I give Him all that I have." Later I started to prepare for His call, and I finished my four years of Bible Institute at my local church, Iglesia Bautista Fundamental. My faith and my love for my God keeps growing through the years. God's grace has been enough and it will be enough. I would like to mention that I got married to my amazing husband, Mark, in 2017, and we moved to the US. It has been 6 wonderful years with him and we were serving at our Church, Bible Baptist Church, and are ready for the next steps the Lord has for us. The need for the Gospel in Uruguay is tremendous and I’m so excited to go back and serve the Lord in my own country!

“​I was born in Dallas, Texas in January 20, 1992. My parents were called to be missionaries in the country of Uruguay, South America when I was four years old.

​When I was eight years old, I remember laying in my bed about to go to sleep wondering if I was really saved after listening to a sermon that my dad preached about hell. I remember going through the steps of salvation through my head at the moment I asked the Lord Jesus to forgive me of my sins and be my Savior. I believed that he came to die at the cross for me and I believed that He rose again the third day.

 Growing up as a missionary kid I was able to see the love of God through my parents and the love they had for serving the Lord. When I was nine years old, there was a missionary conference where Dr. David Cummins was preaching about Missions. That day was the day I surrendered my life to the Lord. When I was 13 years old in a Youth camp God reassured me He was calling me. After that, I started preparing for whatever God had in-storefront for me. I was looking for the guidance of God where to go to college and He directed me to West Coast Baptist College where I was able to graduate with a Bachelors in Missions on May 5, 2017.

I met my wife when I was very young. She is the fruit of my parents’ ministry. She was saved, baptized, discipled and also graduated in the Bible Institute in Uruguay. After we got married in 2017, we came to the United States and she was able to become a US citizen. 

 We came to Greenville, South Carolina to live. We started serving and became members of at Bible Baptist Church. After some time, God opened the doors for me to start pastoring the Spanish church at Bible Baptist. It’s been a privilege to be serving there these past six years. We have seen people saved, baptized, and discipled. We have worked with kids, teenagers, and adults. Started training leaders for multiple ministries. Started teaching and training personal evangelism to bring others to Christ. In some services at the beginning I only had one member in the service, which was my wife, now, by God's grace we’ve been able to see many families faithfully congregating every service. We love serving the Lord where we are but God has always been guiding us to missions.  We believe that God has called us to be full-time missionaries to the country of Uruguay, South America, to start churches, evangelize, disciple, and train leaders. 

It is an honor to serve the Lord.